Benzing em Mudanças

Benzing em Mudanças

O CIC conseguiu obter algumas condições para ajudar os columbófilos nacionais com relógios da marca Benzing a proceder á substituição dos velhos e ultrapassados modelos Express e Atis Top, pelos Modelos M1 e G2.

Condições favoráveis á troca de marca também passam a vigorar para quem utiliza outras marcas de relógio electrónico, que agora os poderá vir a trocar pela marca Benzing se assim o entender. Aceitamos retomas de todas as marcas até 31 de Março de 2012. Favor consultar condições em baixo.

Relembramos que o prazo de vida desses relógios (Atis Top e Express) que não foram recondicionados há muito que está ultrapassado. Os seus utilizadores correm o risco de em qualquer momento estes deixarem de funcionar sem qualquer sinal ou aviso prévio, o que aliás poderá acontecer com qualquer marca no mercado com idêntico tempo de uso.
Aconselha – se, que consultem com atenção as mudanças em termos de funcionamento, alteração de Chips e de Software para relógios e base de encestamento (Can) das colectividades.

Há semelhança do que foi posto em prática (descontos) com todos os nossos serviços e produtos, também aqui o CIC fez a sua obrigação para ajudar os columbófilos durante a fase menos boa que se espera para 2012.  

BENZING ClubSystem (including upgrade and Basic):

In the new software is a timer stop to support the BR-ring (Hitag 2) by all club systems beginning from 01-01-2015. This applies to new club systems as well as after a software update by existing club systems on the market. Every fancier has 3 years’ time to replace his old BR-rings by BR-Pro rings (3 years’ time to fly ready the old rings).

A partir de 01-01-2015 o software automaticamente deixará de funcionar em todos os sistemas de encestamento (Base) na colectividade que passará a bloquear todas as anilhas electrónicas excepto o modelo BR-Pro que será o único disponível no mercado a partir dessa data.

As antigas bases de encestamento também deixarão de funcionar definitivamente e terão que ser substituídas pelo novo equipamento já disponível desde 2010.

A partir de Janeiro 2012 a Benzing descontinuará os serviços de reparação nas antigas bases de encestamento (Can).


New clocks will not work with the old BR-ring beginning from 01-01-2012. The customer needs for these new clocks from the beginning the BENZING BR-Pro ring (Hitag S) and also a new club system.

Novos relógios electrónicos adquiridos a partir de Janeiro de 2011 já não funcionam com o velho chip BR-ring. Estes relógios apenas aceitarão o novo chip BR-Pro da marca Benzing assim como será necessário utilizar o novo sistema de encestamento (base) na colectividade.     

By any software update by the existing clocks on the market, the clocks will stop to work with BR-ring (Hitag 2) from 01-01-2015. Existing clocks owner has 3 years time to replace his old BR-rings by BR-Pro rings (3 years time to fly ready the old rings).

Nota importante: qualquer relógio modelo Atis Top, Express, M1, e G2 (todos os modelos) da marca Benzing cujo software tenha sido ou venha a ser actualizado, deixará de funcionar com o chip actual BR-ring (Hitag2) a partir da data de 01-01-2015. Os proprietários dos actuais modelos Benzing têm um prazo de três anos para proceder á substituição dos chips actuais pelos BR-Pro.


Oferta especial para retoma de modelos antigos Atis Top e Express

1.1: Express – troca – pelo modelo G2 incluindo um controlador para as antenas de 4 campos G2 referência 642277- por €299.00 iva incluído.  

1.2: Atis Top – troca pelo modelo M1 incluindo um Controlador de antena Loft Point referência 240271 – por €490.00 iva incluído.

Troca (retoma) de equipamento usado de todas as marcas da concorrência

Relógio de qualquer marca incluindo uma antena – troca pelo Modelo Benzing M1 + uma antena PLB 765 por €660.00 iva incluído.

Relógio de qualquer marca incluindo uma antena – troca pelo Modelo Benzing M1 + uma antena PLB 475 por €630.00 iva incluído.

Relógio de qualquer marca incluindo uma antena – troca pelo Modelo Benzing M1 + uma antena G2 – 1 campo referencia 824582 por  €599.00 iva incluído.

Todas as ofertas válidas até 31-03-2012!

Dear BENZING Partners!
With big steps we approach the final of the year 2011. The year 2011 was again a successful year, we did enter into new countries and we did introduce new products. The new 4-field G2 Antenna is a success from day one it was introduced, a lot of BENZING Express customers now have finally the bigger antenna they always wanted to have.
Of course we have another exciting year ahead of us, and I am very happy that we will go this way together. We have worked hard on improving our systems even more for you and the fanciers.
In the year 2012 we will introduce a very special new device called BENZING Connect.

BENZING Connect:
The BENZING Connect will start the next generation in pigeon sports. It will connect the whole BENZING System online. You can connect it directly to the BENZING M1 (without the need of a BENZING Station)
•         SMS function

Every time a pigeon arrives the clocking time will be send via SMS message to a mobile phone (similar to the old SMS Modem we had)
 Zero clock derivation
BENZING has invented a new way to get 100% true results without any clock offset, this patented mechanism is a revolution in pigeon sports. We will compare various times sources to get zero clock derivation during the race, so no more correction of the arrival times needed.

•     Online Results
Additional to the arrival information we will also be able to do an official arrival list in the internet. This will make it possible that the fancier does not have to bring the clock into the club anymore after the race. The race secretary can do the printout of the race result sheet via the internet. This will save the fancier and the race secretary time and money.

•         Online Backup
Every pigeon that has arrived is also stored online on our database servers as a backup and can be used to create a result sheet in case of a problem.

•         GPS receiver for the coordinates of the loft
The BENZING connect has a build in brand new Sirf Star IV GPS receiver, with this it is possible to read out the exact coordinates of the loft. The information can be used for the calculation of the speed, but can also be used for additional security. It could be made sure that the loft is at the correct place and that the fancier is not racing with two lofts.

•         Additional information for online Support
It will also be possible in the future to get error messages of the clock in real time and even allow an advanced support for the customers. We can basically remotely do an analyse of the clocking system to offer a level of service no other manufacture is able to do.

Merchandise products:
Also new merchandise products are in production now, a new cap and a new polo shirt will be available by February 2012.

USB Drivers:
Our USB drivers are now officially certificated for Windows. In Windows 7 the drivers will now automatically be downloaded and installed from Microsoft if you connect a BENZING ClubSystem or BENZING G2 DOC to the computer.  Next will be the BENZING M1 USB drivers which will get a Windows certificate.

Changes in pricing for the year 2012:
Yet another year we will not increase the price for our main products, only the old BENZING BR chip ring will get adjusted to the raising chip ring costs of this old HITAG-2 type. Make our customers aware that the BENZING PRO is the better choice: faster and more secure reading coupled with a cheaper price.

The following products are not in the pricelist 2012 anymore:
BENZING M1 USB Converter: This converter was just introduced 2011 for the BENZING M1 clock, but we finally managed to program a new USB driver for the BENZING M1 so this on is not required anymore.
GSM modem for SMS: This is replaced by the BENZING Connect.
I am looking forward to our partnership and wish you a successful year 2012.